Subdivision: San Luis Valley Ranches
State: CO
County: Costilla
Town: In Between San Luis and Fort Garland
Size: 10.5 Acres
Parcel: Two parcels make up the 10.5 acres - 70330770 & 70330780
Legal Description: S.L.V.R. UNIT Q BLK 11 LOT 9 (260-838 WD)(TD 373-623) & S.L.V.R. UNIT Q BLK 11 LOT 10
Lat/Long Coordinates:
- NW: 37.2972, -105.4534
- NE: 37.2972, -105.4517
- SW: 37.2943, -105.4530
- SE: 37.2943, -105.4517
- Middle points/corners where two parcels meet:
- 37.2958, -105.4530
- 37.2958, -105.4534
Annual Taxes: $189.36/year
Zoning: Estate Residential. For a site built home, you need a 600sqft minimum footprint. Mobile homes are allowed. You can camp for 14 days (every 3 months). There is a temporary RV occupancy permit available to allow you to stay in your RV for up to 180 days/year. The zoning office is open Monday through Thursday and can be contacted at (719) 672-9109 to answer any questions.
Improvements: None
Road Access: Yes. The road is graded well.
Water: Would be by well or cistern.
Sewer: Would be by Septic.
Power: Power poles are about 1 mile away. Solar is recommended to be fully off-grid.